I Don't Know What to do Anymore :-(

03 September 2009

I have been extremely clueless for the last one week. You see, I don’t know what to do, anymore.

My motley group of friends and siblings suggested the following, strictly keeping me in mind, as they emphasized:

  1. Become a food taster

  2. Open a clothes store

  3. Rebel at work, scream at the boss, get fired just for kicks

  4. Try gardening without killing the plants and watering the weeds

  5. Learn pottery(the only sensible solution)

  6. Renounce the world, get going to the Himalayas

  7. Get a nose job done

  8. Get another degree

  9. Be different: think negative

  10. Act profound and stare when someone approaches my work desk

  11. Pretend I’m an alien(this shouldn’t be tough, they reckoned)

  12. Get a t’scope, peer without a break into the neighbour’s house

  13. Learn to type with my toes

  14. Develop a complex & hone it (this, they calculated, should keep me occupied for the rest of my life!)

  15. Wear tattered clothes to work & roll up my eyes, nod & sigh when questioned

  16. Transmigrate

  17. Tonsure my head

  18. Ask “But why?” with a poker face each time the super-annoying HR woman asks a question/opens her mouth to speak


Am I overwhelmed or what. With such well-wishers, do I need enemies?

23 Comments, Opinions & What Have you!:

Allergic To People 9/03/2009  

I don't know which is more hilarious from all the suggestions mentioned above. Tonsure? ha ha!

Anonymous 9/03/2009  

I think you should definitely do a combination of all ... I will be popping back shortly to see which ones you have achieved! I especially want to hear HR reactions ... ;0)

Anahat 9/03/2009  

Regarding the last line, no you don't need even a single enemy my friend!

Indian Pundit 9/03/2009  

Great one......bard.

"Tonsure my head"

Hahahaha........go ahead and do it.....and post a picture in the blog......hahahaha

Cheers girl

julochka 9/03/2009  

this is an excellent list. i'd get right on all of it! :-) especially typing with toes and the telescope thing.

BardSpeaks 9/03/2009  

@ED: I actually tried talking to the HR woman with a But why. She declared I needed to go home and rest!
@IP: Yeah! Imagine that! & dnt miss the fact that they suggested all this with me in mind! Disgraceful!:-)
@Juloka: Telescope, yes! Typing with my toes? :D

Jaideep Sobti 9/03/2009  

hmmm... i thought i was a fruitcake; but you seem to be just a little less confused and a whole lot nuttier than I :)

S 9/03/2009  

For a change you can also try going to strip tease bars ... go catching flies in the garden ... try counting your hair ... go out puncture all the car's tyre you see ... go to your office in your night dress night and ask your boss for a 'beedi' !!

LOL, those were funny ... your friends are so kind and loving ! :P

Yeah,Nidhi, just took up your number tag on my blog .. do check the 'miscalculations' there ;)
And, I don't see my blog in your blog rolls, feature me too, mere hone waale bacche duayen denge ! ;)

Take care and don't ask me 'but why' !

Sourav...in love with me and life

Saad Shaikh 9/03/2009  

lol.. :P

you seriously don't need enemies.. :D

btw, I would suggest you to go with 9, 11 and 13.. I'll put 13 on my TO-DO list.. :P I already practice 9 a lot.. :D

good one.. I wish I had friends like you to suggest me something like that.. lol.. :D

BardSpeaks 9/03/2009  

@ Jaideep: Don't go by my friends! I have them by default!!!!!!!!Don't judge me by my family & friends!!!!!

@Sourav: heh heh...thanks for the crazy suggestions! BTW, I haven't updated my list on the blog roll for more than an age. Will do ASAP!

@ Saad:Want me to give you the numbers of my friends? You obviously can't ask me :but why!!!!!!!"

Pinpaks 9/03/2009  

Hilarious post. I think all of them are amazing suggestions :D

Long back , when shabana azmi tonsured her head, I wanted to do so too.. just to see how I look. But at that time I had lovely longhair, and I figured if I cut them all it would take ages to grow them back.. so shelved that idea. But I was this close.. I am sure my mom would have disowned me had I done that.. That or lock me up in a dungeon. heeehee..

Do tell us which ones you have decided to do other than your HR idea.

Pinpaks 9/04/2009  

Hey Bard. You've been tagged. Do check it out at my blog.. Hope you find it interesting to do.

BardSpeaks 9/04/2009  

@ Rohini: I tried transmigration! I, now, know what a pig's life is like! :-)

Berowne 9/04/2009  

I enjoyed your blog. I'm very new to this blogging routine so it would be most helpful if you would pay my blog a visit and let me know what you think. Savage Reflections. www.savagereflections.blogspot.com
T I A.

Arjun 9/05/2009  


Introduce such ppl to me too :P :P

lol.. they were funny.. ;)


Farishta 9/06/2009  

hahaha! nice one! which one did u do?? i would prefer no 1. :P

Anonymous 9/07/2009  

didn't someone ask you to learn ju jitsu, too?

BardSpeaks 9/07/2009  

@Anon: Yes, they did. Only, tis too much of an effort!:P

Suhasini 9/07/2009  

Can you get any funnier? My first time-loved your blog!

BardSpeaks 9/07/2009  

@Suhasini: Thank you! I'm happy to know you liked it:-)

kaka 9/09/2009  

"u have been tagged..check out my blog:)"

Toothfairy 9/16/2009  

THINK NEGATIVE?! what kind of advice is that? hahaha...


BardSpeaks 9/16/2009  

@Toothfairy: You see, the latest fad is to "think positive!" so...they figured....:)


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